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Vacation Rates

For ALL rates at Five Lakes:

  • Add 6.875% MN sales tax and 0.5% Otter Tail Sales tax (7.375% total) to all rates
  • Full week reservations must pay for the full week. Usual procedure involves applying your deposit to the last day of your vacation

Rates are per cabin regardless of occupancy.  You may fill the cabin to the cabin capacity for the same rate.  All guests ages 1+ count toward the capacity of the cabin.

Deposit Information:  due by January 15 or within 7 days of making your reservation (whichever comes last)

1/3 of the total stay is due to confirm your reservation

Payment Information

Full balance payment is due 90 days to your arrival date.  Final counts and guest registration is also due at this time.


Cancelled more than 90 days to arrival

2/3 of the deposit is refundable, 1/3 of the deposit if forfeited

Cancelled less than 90 days to arrival

No refund is possible, regardless of the reason for cancellation.  This includes for illness, quarantine and/or local restrictions on travel from your home area.  However, you are welcome to send another party of the same size to stay in your place.

Capacity Rate based on May 1 - Jun 14
Week Night
Jun 15 - 28
Week Night
June 29 - July 12
Week Night
Jul 13 - August 9
Week Night
August 10 - 16
Week Night
August 17 - September 28
Week Night
Week Night
Cabin 1 8 1 to 8 ppl
$2 $0
$3 $0
$3 $0
$4 $0
$3 $0
$3 $0
Cabin 2 6 1 to 6 ppl
$1 $0
$1 $0
$2 $0
$3 $0
$2 $0
$2 $0
Cabin 3 8 1 to 8 ppl
$ $0
$ $0
$ $0
$ $0
$ $0
$ $0
Cabin 4 8 1 to 8 ppl
$2 $0
$2 $0
$3 $0
$4 $0
$3 $0
$2 $0
Cabin 5 8 1 to 8 ppl
$2 $0
$2 $0
$3 $0
$4 $0
$3 $0
$2 $0
Cabin 6 8 1 to 8 ppl
$2 $0
$2 $0
$3 $0
$3 $0
$3 $0
$2 $0
Cabin 9 10 1 to 10 ppl
$3 $0
$4 $0
$4 $0
$5 $0
$5 $0
$4 $0
Cabin 10 12 1 to 12 ppl
$4 $0
$4 $0
$5 $0
$7 $1
$5 $0
$4 $0

4-Night Specials

4-Night Specials are valid on any 4 night stay.

Capacity Rate based on May 1 - Jun 14 Jun 15 - 28 June 29 - July 12 Jul 13 - August 9 August 10 - 16 August 17 - September 28
Cabin 1 8 1 to 8 ppl $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $1
Cabin 2 6 1 to 6 ppl $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1
Cabin 3 8 1 to 8 ppl $ $ $ $ $ $
Cabin 4 8 1 to 8 ppl $1 $1 $2 $2 $1 $1
Cabin 5 8 1 to 8 ppl $1 $1 $2 $2 $1 $1
Cabin 6 8 1 to 8 ppl $1 $1 $1 $2 $1 $1
Cabin 9 10 1 to 10 ppl $2 $2 $2 $3 $3 $2
Cabin 10 12 1 to 12 ppl $2 $2 $3 $4 $3 $2

Visit Our Other Properties

Whether you’re looking for a quiet getaway, an all-inclusive family vacation, a beautiful course for a round of golf, or an amazing event venue…

The Fair Hills Family of properties has something for everyone.

Fair Hills Resort
Wildflower Golf Course
Barn at Five Lakes